"To Make The Best Better"
"Learn by Doing"
"Learn by Doing"
Welcome to Green Valley 4-H. We are located in the west sonoma county area but our membership comes from all over the county. We meet on the third Monday from September to May. We have a wide array of projects including: Arts & Crafts, Cake Decorating, Foods, Food Preservation, Vegetable Gardening, Floral, Outdoor Camping/Foods and Adventure, Viticulture, Dairy, Beef, Meat Goats, Sheep, Swine, Poultry, Cavies, Rabbits, Livestock Judging, Pygmy goats, Public Speaking, Quilting, Sewing, and Leadership. Our members range in age from 5 years to 19 years old. Our club is involved in many community service activities including Valentine cards and cookies for seniors, working with the Giving Tree/Volunteer Center, food baskets for shelters and families, bell ringing for the Salvation Army, and our recycling program through our dairy group raising money to be donated to The Living Room - a shelter for Woman and Children. One of our ongoing community service projects is collecting soda can tabs for Cancer.
Green Valley 4-H's goals are to help young people:
** Develop skills that benefit youth throughout life.
** Acquire knowledge and skills and explore careers.
** Develop initiative and assume responsibility.
** Achieve satisfaction from work and accomplishments.
** Develop leadership and be of service to others.
** Develop the ability to live and work cooperatively with others.
** Develop positive self images.
We encourage you to come join us at one of our community club meetings or contact our community club leaders for more information!
Diana Stornetta - [email protected] 707-823-7516
Stefanie Stornetta - [email protected] 707-823-5253
Club email - [email protected]
Green Valley 4-H members in action!
Shooting Sports - Brett Morrison - National Finals
Catie Kunde arranged a farm day visit for The Living Room - a shelter for woman and children